17 October 2010

Busy Busy Busy

I'm just tooooooooo busy nowadays, here's a snippet of my schedule:

Monday (Giving out):
  • Po Yi gathers the boys outside BB room, Raymond takes consent form from Mr See's pigeon hole (2 Level, near the stairs)
  • Pass the consent forms to the boys.
  • Those who do not have the forms or lose the forms, tell them to write parents' letter.
  • Check form, make sure it indicates "Pay $3.30 for activity", if not, ask the boys to write it down on the spot.
  • Tell the boys to hand the forms and the money ($3.30) up to their squad leaders on Tuesday, or they will have to account to Mr Chan (Mr Chan said that we can use his name for this AEP)
  • Print out the name list (above) to prepare for Tuesday.

  • Go for Dental appointment.

Tuesday (Collection day):
  • The squad leaders will collect and take note of those who handed up and will hand it the consent forms and money to the three of us (I will be there to help).
  • Urge squad leaders to call up those who haven't handed in the consent forms or money, or both.
  • Tick the names of those who have handed up the forms and money on the name list.

  • Stay back for Heritage Trail meeting -.-

Wednesday-Friday (Collection day 2):
  • The three of us will continue with the collection.
  • If the boys still refuse to hand in the forms, we will call them up (contact list-- above).
  • I need to pass the message down to Jan
  • Tell the primers to come at 8am

  • Continue with the calling.
  • Report to Mr Chan about the collection of consent forms.
  • Heritage Trail meeting -.-

  • Buy prizes for winning teams. (With?)
  • AEP.


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