14 October 2010


The visitation was totally wicked cool..

Before that, oral was quite challenging especially the English conversation part where you have to 'design' something that would suit both the able-bodied children and disabled children. I talked about the height of the object must be lower so that both of the groups would be able to play together :)
Chinese was fun? (My examiner was Mr Soon) Instead of me talking, Mr Soon gave the answer and rattled off while I was desperately trying to 'say' something -.-

After Chinese oral, which was about 10am+, we (Ellery, You Hong, Teng Shin, Li Wei, Ronald, Tymon, Darius and I) went to Victor's house for fun :) Some of us played card games, while others watched Spiderman 3 or played Xbox. And for the finale, Victor treated us pizza and each of us ate at least 4 pieces :)

Okay, it's back to the visitation. First, we (Gabriel, Zhen Yek, Elton, Zhi Yong, Benjamin, Daryl, Ronald, Li Wei, Darius and I) went to the staffroom to help Mr Yao with the moving of his personal belongings to his house in Sembawang. After that, we met up in the canteen and went to Sembawang.

Groceries time! We went to NTUC and bought 2 (packs?) of Jolly Shandy, 1 pack of Green Tea (To protect ourselves-- that's what someone said), tons of sausages (and all of us became sick in the mind), including a packet of vegetarian sausage, 5 cans of Campbell soup and 1 packet of batteries (We have no idea why he bought that and someone said it was for his vibrator). After that, we went to watch Avatar while he cooked the "high tea", luckily, none of us felt dizzy or nauseous after eating the food :P After eating, we went to play basketball, unfortunately, the ball wasn't pumped with air and we had to go around the neighbourhood to find a "pump". But to no avail. Argh.
We went back to his flat and a few of us stayed while the rest went home. We had a heart-to-heart-talk with Mr Yao and played Truth or Dare (Ooo.. A lot of secrets unveiled) and for the final 'truth' for Mr Yao, Elton asked him whether he accepted homosexuals. (Wth. But I like that question.) By the way, the 'dare' that Zhi Yong did was AWESOMELY RIDICULOUS.

It was an awesome day to start the post EOY! Ü

Time to go for mass cycling!

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